Best Buttercream Frosting - CAKE COOKING RECIPES IDEAS

Best Buttercream Frosting

This is the best buttercream frosting recipe because it is simple, rich and perfectly sweet. All you need is four ingredients to make this frosting and you’ll be decorating your cakes in no time.

Buttercream frosting is a classic topping for cupcakes and cake. It even makes a good filling for whoopie pies and cookie sandwiches. Try this with my vanilla cupcakes or sugar cookie bars.

1  cup  (226 g or 2 sticks) unsalted butter,  room temperature
2 1/2  cups  (300 g) confectioners' sugar,  sifted
2  teaspoons  pure vanilla extract
Pinch  salt
1-2  tablespoons  milk, room temperature

In the bowl of a stand mixer, whip the butter using the whisk attachment (the paddle works too). Beat until fluffy, about 5 minutes.
With the mixer on low speed, gradually add in the confectioners' sugar until completely incorporated.
With the mixer on medium speed, add the vanilla and salt, and beat for a minute, until fluffy. Add milk until desired consistency is reached.
Transfer to a frosting bag with tip and frost away!

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