Chocolate Peanut Butter Lasagna - CAKE COOKING RECIPES IDEAS

Chocolate Peanut Butter Lasagna

 This chocolate peanut butter lasagna has a creamy, mousse-like filling made with peanut butter, cream cheese, and whipped cream. It’s followed by a layer of fluffy vanilla and chocolate pudding and topped with Cool Whip. My grandma’s recipe (also called chocolate peanut butter dream) is one of my favorite no-bake desserts of all time.

If you love easy recipes, make sure you check out our peanut butter pie, jello pie, peanut butter no bake cookies or our Better Than Sex Cake.


1 packet of instant vanilla pudding

1 packet of instant chocolate pudding

½ cup peanut butter

8 oz cream cheese

16 oz cool whip

½ cup margarine

3 cups milk

1 cup powdered sugar

1 cup crushed dry roasted peanuts

1 cup flour


With a fork, mix one cup crushed dry roasted peanuts with one cup flour and half a cup of margarine.

Pat onto the bottom of a 9×13 pan. Bake at 350* for 15-20 minutes and then let cool.

Mix 1/2 cup of peanut butter, 8 ounces cream cheese, 8 ounces Cool Whip and one cup powdered sugar together. Spread over cooled first layer.

Mix one small package instant vanilla pudding and one small package instant chocolate pudding together with three cups of cold milk. Spread on top of the second layer.

Finally, spread 8 ounces of Cool Whip over the third layer. Sprinkle with grated chocolate and crushed peanuts.

Refrigerate until ready to serve.

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