Eggnog Poke Cake Recipe

 Tis the season for all things treat-tastic and delicious, right? One of my favorite go to and easy treats is a poke cake. I love that you can take an ordinary yellow cake mix and spice it up with literal spices or so many other delicious things and turn it into a super fun poke cake.

I have so many great poke cake recipes using sweetened condensed milk, including this Eggnog Poke Cake!

There are so many great poke cake recipes you can use by just jazzing up a cake mix recipe. I like to start by just adding some spices to the dry mix. In this case I added nutmeg and cinnamon. I did the same in my Caramel Apple Poke Cake Recipe.


1 box white cake mix see note

1 1/2 tsp cinnamon

3/4 tsp nutmeg plus extra for topping

3 eggs

1 1/4 cup eggnog

1/3 cup vegetable oil

1 tsp rum extract or rum optional

1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk

8 ounces cool whip


Preheat the oven according to the directions on the box.

Pour the dry cake mix into a bowl. Whisk in the cinnamon and nutmeg.  

Now mix in the eggnog, vegetable oil, eggs, and rum or rum extract.

Pour the batter into a greased 9 by 13 inch pan and bake according to box instructions.

After removing the cake from the oven, poke holes in the top.  Then pour the sweetened condensed milk over the cake, making sure to get some in each of the holes.

Refrigerate at least four hours. Before serving top with Cool Whip.  Lightly dust with nutmeg or cinnamon.

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