Pumpkin Cheesecake

 With Thanksgiving only a few days away I feel like I’m about to BURST with holiday spirit. I LOVE the holiday season, and I want to snuggle up in front of a fire with a glass of wine and watch a Christmas movie. OR I want to crank up the Christmas music and start making Christmas cookies, peppermint bark, and fudge.

I have already started baking holiday treats for you, but I am going to tide you over with this incredible Pumpkin Cheesecake that would be perfect for Thanksgiving.

If your family isn’t into Pumpkin Pie and can’t be won over by Pecan Pie (we can still be friends but I’m giving you serious side eye right now), this pumpkin pie cheesecake with it’s gingersnap cookie crust is a great alternative.



1 1/4 cups gingersnap crumbs see note 1

5 tablespoons butter melted

1 tablespoons granulated sugar

Pumpkin Cheesecake

24 ounces cream cheese at room temperature see note 2

1 cup granulated sugar

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree 100% puree, not pie filling

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

1/8 teaspoon ground cloves

2 teaspoons vanilla

2 eggs room temperature

Chocolate Ganache

7 ounces chocolate see note 3

5 liquid ounces heavy cream


Preheat your oven to 325 degrees.

Combine the cookie crumbs, butter, and 1 tablespon granulated sugar and press into the bottom of a 9 inch springform pan. Bake for just under 10 minutes or until the crust begins to brown and is fragrant. Let cool on a wire wrack for a half hour.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Beat 24 ounces of full fat cream cheese until fluffy and smooth. Beat in 1 cup granulated sugar, then the pumpkin puree. Beat in the cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and vanilla extract. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Be sure to scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl after each addition.

Pour the filling over the cooled crust and bake for 35 minutes or until the edges of the cheesecake are firm and the middle still has a jiggle to it. Leave it in the oven with the door closed for an hour. Remove from the oven, run a thin knife between the cheesecake and the pan. Let the cheesecake come to room temperature before covering in plastic wrap and refrigerating overnight.

Before serving the cheesecake, pour the chocolate into a bowl. Heat the heavy cream in the microwave until almost boiling – about 45 seconds. Pour over the chocoalte and let sit for two minutes. Then whisk until smooth.

Before pouring the chocolate over the cheesecake, place a paper towel lightly over the cheesecake. If the cheesecake was at all hot before going in the refrigerator, there will likely be a little bit of moisture on top. The towel will take care of this.

Pour the chocolate ganache over the cheesecake. Allow the ganache to cool and firm.

Slice and serve.

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