Haven’t posted a new recipe in over a month and now I post two in a week, say whhaaaa?! In case you missed it, I’m writing a cookbook and my manuscript is due in August. I was trying to keep up with both but that failed and right now, I just need to get that done.

However, I wanted to post this rhubarb vanilla cake for you guys because I just posted that amazing raspberry rhubarb jam recipe. If you ever have excess fruits, make a jam and then use it in desserts! 


If you don’t know me by now, I always say my cakes are simple but there are always like three parts to them. I like classic flavors but cake and frosting is just too boring so naturally, this cake has three parts.




1/2 cup (60g) raspberries, whole

1 cups (120g) rhubarb, chopped (about 3 stalks)

3/4 cup (150g) granulated sugar

1 Tbsp (15mL) lemon juice

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Pinch of salt


2 1/4 (270g) cups all-purpose flour

1 Tbsp (10g) baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 cup (60g) unsalted butter, room temperature

1/2 cup (120mL) oil

1 1/2 cup (300g) granulated sugar

3 large eggs, room temperature

3/4 cup (170g) sour cream, room temperature

1 tbsp vanilla extract

3/4 cup (180mL) milk, room temperature


4 egg whites

1 cup (200g) granulated sugar

1 cup (225g) unsalted butter, room temperature

1 tsp vanilla bean paste (or extract)

1/2 cup (175g) raspberry rhubarb jam


Begin by making the raspberry rhubarb jam so it has time to cool completely. *note, you only need half of the linked recipe for this cake, the amount is updated in the ingredients list.

Make one 6 inch vanilla cake and allow it to cool completely to room temperature.

While the cakes are cooling, place the egg whites and granulated sugar in a large bowl. Bring a small pot with 1/2 cup of water to a boil and lower the heat to simmer. Place the bowl of egg whites and sugar on top of the simmering water for 5-10 minutes, until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, whisking intermittently.

Once the sugar is dissolved, remove the bowl of egg whites from the heat and use an electric mixer with a whisk attachment to beat the egg whites with the sugar. Beat for 7-10 minutes on high speed and then lower the speed to low-medium.

Slowly add 2 Tbsp of butter in at a time. Wait for the butter to incorporate before adding the next chunk. Once all the butter is added, turn the mixer up to high speed for 10-15 seconds, then use a rubber spatula to scrape the edge of the bowl. Add the vanilla bean paste (or extract) and the rhubarb jam to the buttercream, and beat until they're fully combined.


Switch the paddle attachment and on low speed, allow the paddle to remove all the excess air from the buttercream (this removes all the air bubbles to ensure a smooth finish when frosting the cake).


Place the first layer of cake on a cake board or stand. Top with a thin layer of raspberry rhubarb jam and a generous layer of Swiss meringue buttercream. Repeat with the second layer and then place the third layer on top.

Smooth out any buttercream that squeezes out between the layers and then refrigerate the cake for at least 30 minutes. Place the rest of the buttercream on top of the cake and use an offset spatula to .work its way down, smoothing out the top and sides of the cake.

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