Brabant Potatoes (Crispy Garlic Butter Potatoes) - CAKE COOKING RECIPES IDEAS

Brabant Potatoes (Crispy Garlic Butter Potatoes)

Crispy potatoes drizzled with rich garlic butter! These Brabant Potatoes are a New Orleans classic and will quickly become one of your family’s favorite side dishes.

The potatoes are boiled and then fried in a skillet before being transferred to the oven to make the perfect easy side dish for serving with chicken, fish and steak.

But don’t forget the generous drizzle of garlic butter! Packed full of flavor it will leave you with the most amazing potato recipe you have ever tried!

US Customary – Grams
2 lb potatoes – see note 1
1 tbsp salt
3 tbsp canola oil
For the garlic butter
1/2 stick butter
4 garlic cloves
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
black pepper to taste

Pre-heat oven to 400ºF/200ºC.
Cut the potatoes into 1/2-inch cubes, there is no need to peel them.
Bring a pan of water to the boil and then add 1 tbsp of salt.
Add the potato cubes and bring the water back to a simmer. Simmer the potatoes for 5 minutes then drain well and set them aside to dry out a little.
Whilst the potatoes are drying make the garlic butter.
Peel and finely mince the garlic.
Place the butter into a cold saucepan and add the garlic.
Place the pan over very low heat and allow the butter to slowly melt and cook the garlic. The garlic wants to soften but never color. This will take around 10 minutes.
Once the garlic has softened remove the pan from the heat and set to one side.
Place a large ovenproof skillet/frying pan over high heat and pour in the oil.
Once shimmering add the potatoes. Shake the pan gently to fully coat the potatoes with oil. Then leave them over high heat, untouched for 2 minutes to start to crisp.
Give them a gentle toss and cook again for 2 minutes.
Transfer the skillet of potatoes to the oven and cook for 10-15 minutes until crispy and golden.
Remove the skillet from the oven.
Add the chopped parsley to the garlic butter then spoon the butter over the hot potatoes.
Serve immediately with black pepper. (You probably won’t need salt due to the generous salting of the potato water)

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