Carrot Cake Roll

All the flavours of a classic carrot cake (quite literally) rolled into one! Our simple and sweet carrot cake roll cake recipe will leave you and the kids wanting more after every bite.

1 carrot cake sponge (approx 400g)
1 tbsp milk
350g cream cheese frosting
300g white chocolate, melted

In a bowl, mash the sponge with the milk and 50g cream cheese icing.
Place between 2 sheets of cling film and roll out to approx. 15x25cm. Spread the remaining 300g cream cheese icing over the rolled out sponge and roll up, starting from the shorter end. Place on top of a wire rack that is set over an oven tray and pour over the melted chocolate to cover completely. Leave to set before transferring to a serving plate and cutting into slices.

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