Grab your cast iron pan and whip up this blueberry cornmeal cake in just under an hour. A seriously southern, homemade cake that is perfection in every tasty bite.

First, I want to apologize – my camera broke and I am stuck on a phone that keeps altering colors when I take pictures (I have a new one on order) so these pictures may not be as clear as I want them to be. But the recipe…now that is perfect. In under an hour, you can have a dessert (or breakfast cake) you can be seriously proud of, LOADED with blueberries and so fresh and moist that you do not even need butter. Seriously! 


1 tsp vanilla extract

1 1/4th cup flour

3/4th cup white sugar

1 pint blueberries (split in half)

1/3 cup cornmeal

1 tsp salt

1 1/2 tsp salt

1 tablespoon white sugar (for topping)

2 eggs

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp lemon zest OR lemon peel

8 tablespoons butter (melted)

1 tablespoon butter (for skillet)

1 cup sour cream



Preheat oven to 350 and throw your cast iron skillet inside while warming. This will make the pan hot and ready for the cornmeal cake, making even baking. 

Grab two mixing bowls. 

1st bowl - Dry Ingredients  - Add together: flour, 3/4th cup white sugar, cornmeal (not jiffy, actual cornmeal), salt, baking powder, baking soda. Combine ingredients and set aside.

2nd bowl - Wet Ingredients  - Add 8 tablespoons (one stick) of butter and melt in microwave (about a minute). Now add (to the same bowl) vanilla extract, sour cream, and both eggs. Mix all ingredients with whisk. 

Combine both bowls (wet and dry) together. This is your cake mix. 

Remove cast iron skillet from oven carefully and put in 1 tablespoon of butter.Using a spatula, push the butter around the skillet, coating the bottom and sides (see video to see how this is done). 

Pour one half of batter into the hot skillet and top with 1/2 pint of blueberries. 

Add rest of batter on top and smooth with spatula.

Add rest of blueberries to the top of layer and make sure blueberries are lightly pushed into the batter.  

Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of white sugar on top. 

Place pan back in oven for approximately 40 minutes, until comes clean.

Remember that blueberries will not come clean on a knife or toothpick, so pick a center around the batter to test. 

If you prefer a more golden top on the cake, pop under a broiler for a minute or two (do not leave unattended, broilers work quick!). 


Let cast iron blueberry cake SIT FOR 30 MINUTES to set. This is true of a lot of cornmeal and cakes to firm up or they will be too moist to cut and slightly fall apart. Because this one has loads of blueberries, its going to crack AROUND the blueberry, so its important to let sit and then slice and remote with a cake spatula. 

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