How to Make Gravy from Drippings - CAKE COOKING RECIPES IDEAS

How to Make Gravy from Drippings

 Homemade gravy has never been easier! Learn How to Make Gravy from Drippings, whether you’re cooking chicken, turkey, pork or beef.

There are a couple of aspects and questions that come up when making any type of gravy at home, but especially gravy with drippings. Let’s address those first.

The first, is undoubtedly, the issue of lumpy gravy. Lumpy gravy is usually the result of trying to thicken the sauce and not doing it properly.


1/4 cup unsalted butter

1/4 cup flour

2 cups broth

2 tablespoons drippings

Kosher salt & freshly ground black pepper , to taste

Other flavor add-ins


Melt the butter over medium heat in a saucepan.

When melted, whisk with the flour until a paste forms. Continue to whisk until roux starts to brown and become fragrant.

Slowly add the broth and drippings while whisking vigorously. Continue to whisk until fully heated.

Taste test for seasoning. Add the salt and freshly ground black pepper sparingly until desired taste is achieved.

Add other seasonings, if desired and continue to heat for 5-15 minutes.

If you run into problems, such as your gravy being too thin, too thick, too salty or having other issues, check this post for common gravy problems and how to solve them!

If you’ve tried this recipe, come back and let us know how it was in the comments or ratings.

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