No Bake Black Forest Icebox Cake - CAKE COOKING RECIPES IDEAS

No Bake Black Forest Icebox Cake

 An icebox cake is absolutely a cheater cake, but when a cheater cake looks this good, does anyone care?

I feel like at this point in all of our lives, we can use some easy and delicious baking and no-baking projects. Anyone else feel the same?

Icebox cakes are great for any occasion, and this Black Forest version really is a showstopper!


2 packages chocolate wafer cookies or chocolate graham crackers (about 300g)

1 can cherry pie filling (540ml or 2 cups)

2 cups heavy whipped cream (or substitute frozen whipped topping, thawed, and omit sugar)

1/2 cup powdered icing sugar


In a large bowl, beat cream and powdered sugar on high speed until stiff peaks form. *See my notes above for stabilizing whipped cream if keeping for longer periods of time*

Place one layer of chocolate wafer cookies in a 9" Springform pan, breaking to fit or overlapping somewhat is fine. Top with about 1/3 of whipped cream and 1/3 of the cherry pie filling.

Repeat layers two more times for 3 layers total.

Cover and refrigerate for at least 6 hours or overnight. Garnish with additional whipped cream if desired, slice and serve.

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