Ice Cream Sandwich Cake

 I know, we’re cheating today.

But summer is here and who wants to slave away in the kitchen?

This Ice Cream Sandwich Cake is the latest addition to my SIX Ingredient summer series and it is, without a doubt, the easiest dessert recipe you’ll ever make.

I should add that when I say it’s easy I also mean it’s incredibly delicious.

Made from ice cream sandwiches that have been topped with chocolate ice cream and covered in whipped cream, this is the perfect dessert recipe for hot summer days (no oven required!).

My kids love when I make this for them.


15 ice cream sandwiches

2 litres chocolate ice cream

1 litre frozen whipped topping thawed

3 tablespoons chocolate fudge sauce

3 tablespoons mini M&Ms

6 Oreos crushed


Remove the ice cream from the freezer and let thaw for 15-20 minutes before beginning.

Find a large cutting board or sheet pan to build your ice cream sandwich cake on.

Place two long sheets of plastic wrap over the cutting board, one going each direction so there is lots of overhang.

Place a single row of 5 ice cream sandwiches in the middle of the plastic wrap.

Top with half of the ice cream, spreading into as even a layer as possible.

Top with 5 more ice cream sandwiches, and the remaining half of the ice cream, spreading it into an even layer.

Top with last 5 ice cream sandwiches. Press down gently.

Wrap plastic wrap tightly around ice cream sandwich cake. You can reshape it slightly if it isn's straight once it is wrapped.

Freeze at least 4-6 hours, but you can freeze up to 3 months before unwrapping and serving.

To serve, unwrap and frost top and sides with whipped topping. Drizzle with chocolate sauce and sprinkle with M&M's and crushed Oreos.

Slice and serve or place back in the freezer until ready to serve.

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