You will never believe how easy and fast it is to make Pan Seared Scallops with a Lemon Butter Sauce.  Sweet, buttery and delicate Sea Scallops are quickly seared in a hot pan, then a simple lemon, butter and garlic sauce is made in the same pan.  Served on their own or over pasta, these seared scallops are perfect for date night at home.

Have you ever cooked scallops?  I used to find them so intimidating, but once I gave it a shot, I realized it is so easy to cook scallops!  The key is to sear them hot and fast – you definitely don’t want to overcook scallops!

2 pounds sea scallops thawed
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 tablespoons butter
4 garlic cloves minced
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons minced parsley
pinch red pepper flakes
fresh ground pepper

Pat scallops dry with a paper towel. Season them with salt and pepper on both sides
Heat a pan over medium high heat. Add 1 tablespoon oil to the pan. When hot, add the scallops to the pan - do not overcrowd the pan. Cook in batches if needed. Cook on one side, 60-90 seconds. Flip and cook for another 60-90 seconds. Remove from pan. Repeat until all scallops are cooked.
Reduce heat to low. Add butter, garlic, lemon juice to the pan. Stir, scraping up the brown bits on the bottom of the pan, 1-2 minutes. Stir in the red pepper flakes and chopped parsley, remove from heat.
Drizzle the sauce over the scallops and serve right away.

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