The BEST 3 Ingredient Keto Pancakes - CAKE COOKING RECIPES IDEAS

The BEST 3 Ingredient Keto Pancakes

These delicious keto pancakes are made with just almond flour, cream cheese and eggs. That’s right! These 3 simple ingredients come together like magic to make a classic breakfast that you don’t have to feel guilty about.

Top them with a sugar-free syrup or pureed berries. Yum! They are absolutely delightful, especially when you’re used to eating scrambled eggs EVERY dang morning.

1/2 cup almond flour
4 ounces cream cheese (softened)
4 large eggs
1 tsp baking powder (optonal) *see notes
butter (for frying)

Heat a skillet to medium, and let the pan get hot while you make the batter.
In a medium bowl, briskly whisk the eggs together. The more air you whisk into them, the fluffier the pancakes will be.
Add the cream cheese and almond flour to your beaten eggs; whisk together until well combined.
Add a little butter to your hot skillet, and pour about 3 tablespoons of your batter into the pan; cook until golden. Flip and cook again until golden (about 2 minutes on each side).
Continue with the rest of the batter.
Serve with butter and sugar-free syrup. Enjoy!

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