Easy chocolate chip banana bread loaded with nearly 2 cups of full sized chocolate chips, is the ultimate chocolate lovers dream! Decadent and a perfect balance of sweet and totally filling, try this recipe for banana bread while its still HOT out of the oven.

You probably won’t have any left tomorrow...just sayin. 

This recipe for chocolate chip banana bread is so moist, so delicious, and SO full of chocolate chips, its the ultimate recipe.

And if you are anything like me, you weasel out a slice while this bread is still hot out of the oven! 


3 ripe bananas

⅓ cup butter, melted

½ cup sugar

1 egg, beaten

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon baking soda

 pinch of salt

1 ½ cups all-purpose flour

1 cup chocolate chips plus additional for top


Preheat oven to 350.

To get started on this recipe for the ultimately moist chocolate chip banana bread, first prep your bananas by adding 3 ripe bananas and melted butter in a bowl. Mash down until all the big lumps of banana are gone. We have a pampered chef Mix N Chop that works great for this!

Now add your white sugar, vanilla, baking soda and mix well - use a spatula. 

Add in flour - make sure you do not over fill your measuring cups and leveling off with a knife before dumping into the bowl. Mix well. Your batter should be thickening up. 

After all of the flour is fully incorporated, which should just take a few minutes of hand stirring, add in 1 cup of chocolate chips. 

Pour batter in the loaf pan and scrape off any extra batter from the sides of the bowl. 

Smooth out (but do not push down) batter so the loaf pan is even. This makes sure one side doesn't over or under cook. 

Layer top of banana bread with as many chocolate chips as you want - we are very generous with ours!

Bake for approximately 50-55 minutes, until a sharp knife pulls out without stuck batter.

Banana bread traditionally takes the full 50-ish minutes to cook. Remember when you have a lot of chocolate chips that the knife or toothpick can pull melted chocolate on it but what you are looking for is the batter to be done. 

See blog post on best ways to store your chocolate banana bread to keep it moist and delicious

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