I like to think that citrus fruits being in season during the winter season is nature’s way of making up for the sometimes endless cold and dreary days.  Especially in February and early March when winter seems like it just keeps hanging on and spring is still so far away, suddenly it’s not so bad when we cut into a perfectly sweet orange or a tart grapefruit.

I haven’t baked much with grapefruit in the past, but I have to say those days are O-VER.  This Yogurt Grapefruit Poppy Seed Bread is my newest citrus obsession and I have plans to make it over and over again until Father Winter decides to make his exit.  And likely beyond.

I have to admit – I wasn’t expecting to love this grapefruit quick bread as much as I did and I certainly wasn’t expecting Marc to love it either.  He’s more of a peanut butter and chocolate kinda guy, and citrus desserts don’t usually do much for him.  But after I gave half the loaf to a homeless man (I didn’t have any money on me!) and ate almost the entire other half myself, he was more than bummed after he tried a piece that there was no more left of this grapefruit bread.


3/4 cup granulated sugar

2 tablespoons grapefruit zest about one grapefruit

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup whole wheat flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup coconut oil melted

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1 cup plain yogurt

3 eggs at room temperature

1/3 cup grapefruit juice

3 tablespoons poppy seeds

For the glaze:

2-3 tablespoons fresh grapefruit juice

1 1/2 cups powdered sugar


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Grease 9x5" loaf pan.

Combine sugar with grapefruit zest and mash together with a fork, to work them together. Set aside.

Combine flours, baking powder, and salt, and whisk to combine.

In separate bowl, whisk together sugar mixture, melted coconut oil, eggs, vanilla, yogurt, and grapefruit juice until well combined.

Add in the flour mixture and mix with a spatula until combined.

Add poppy seeds and mix until incorporated, trying not to overmix.

Pour batter into prepared baking pan.

Bake in preheat oven for 50-55 minutes, until golden brown around the edges and set in the middle.

Cool partially, about 20 minutes.

Once slightly cool, make the glaze by whisking together grapefruit juice and powdered sugar. Start with 2 tablespoons of grapefruit juice and add more if it seems too thick.

Drizzle over bread.

Cool completely, then cut into slices and enjoy!

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