These keto almond flour crepes stay flexible even after a few days in the fridge. A delicious breakfast or dessert, you can stuff them with all your favorite sugar-free fillings. Or make a savory version for a delicious keto wrap!

Hey keto people, I’ve just updated this post for flexible keto crepes and they are fantastic. It’s the same great recipe, made with almond flour, with some extra pointers on how to get them to come out perfectly every time. Practice makes perfect!

4 ounces cream cheese softened
4 large eggs
3/4 cup almond flour
2 tbsp granulated Swerve Sweetener
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
Pinch salt
Oil or butter for the pan

Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a blender, combine cream cheese, eggs, almond flour, sweetener, almond milk and salt. Puree until smooth and well combined. Let rest 5 minutes.
Set a 10-inch skillet over medium-low heat. Add just enough oil or butter to the pan to lightly coat it. Once hot, add a few tbsp of batter to the pan and swirl or spread into a thin layer that reaches the edges.
Cook until edges are cooked and can be loosened with a spatula. Loosen all the way around and then lift one edge gently and work spatula underneath (I found it easiest to grab the loosened edge with my fingers while working the spatula under the crepe so I could flip it).
Flip and cook on the other side until lightly browned. Remove and lay on prepared baking sheet, then continue with remaining batter. You can layer another piece of parchment on top of the first set of crepes as more come off the pan.
Fill with whatever your little heart desires. We love them with sugar-free Nutella!

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